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This Indenture made the twenty seventh day of December in the forty seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, And in the Year of our LORD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six BETWEEN John Green of Settle in the County of York Yeoman and Thomas Green his Son of the one Part and Robert Harger of Settle aforesaid Cabinet Maker of the other part: Witnesseth That the said Thomas Green hath of his own Free will, and with the Consent of his father Put and Bound himself Apprentice to and with the said Robert Harger and with him after the Manner of an Apprentice to Dwell, Remain and Serve from the day of the date hereof for, during, and until the Term of four Years and Eight months thence next Following be fully Completed and Ended. During all which Term, the said Apprentice his said Master well and faithfully shall serve, his Secrets shall keep, his lawful Commands shall do, Fornication or Adultery shall not commit, Hurt or Damage to his said Master shall not do, or Consent to be done, but to his Power shall Let it, and forthwith his said Master, thereof warn: Taverns or Ale-houses he shall not Haunt or Frequent, unless it be about his Master's Business there to be done: At Dice, Cards, Tables, Bowls, or any other unlawful Games he shall not Play: the Goods of his said Master shall not Waste nor them Lend, or give to any Person without his Master's Licence: Matrimony within the said Term shall not contract, nor from his Master's Service at any Time absent himself but as a True and Faithful Apprentice shall order and behave himself towards his said Master and all, as well in Words as in Deed during the said Term: And a true and just Account of all his said Master's Goods, Chattels, and Money committed to his Charge, or which shall come to his Hands, faithfully he shall give at all Times when thereunto required by his said Master, Executors, Administrators or Assigns. AND the said Robert Harger in consideration of fifteen pounds to him paid by the said John Green on or before the Execution hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged for himself, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, doth Covenant, Promise and Grant by these Presents, to and with the said apprentice, That he the said Robert Harger, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, shall and will Teach, Learn, and Inform him the said Apprentice, or cause him to be Taught, Learned and Informed in the Trade or Business of a Cabinet Maker which the said Master now useth after the best Manner of Knowledge that he or they may or can, with all the Circumstances thereunto belonging; And also, shall find, and provide to and for the said Apprentice, sufficient and enough of Meat Drink washing and Lodging from and after the twenty seventh day of August next ensuing until which time the said John Green agrees to find for his said Son Meat and Drink washing and Lodging And the said Robert Harger also agreed that he will allow the said Thomas Green one fortnight in every Year of his Apprenticeship to visit his friends. And for the true performance of All and Singular the Covenants and Agreements aforesaid, each of the Parties aforesaid doth bind himself unto the other firmly by their Presents. In Witness whereof, the Parties above-named to these present Indentures, interchangeably have set their Hands and Seals this Day and Year above Written
Sealed and Delivered being first duly Stamped in the presence of [illegible: William?] Peart Jane Peart John Green Thomas Green Robert Harger
Some information kindly provided by Sarah Lister: "Thomas, born 1789 was one of six children of John Green 1754-1818 and Mary Pollard 1750-1815. The siblings all died at an early age including Thomas who died in 1809, aged 20, part way through this apprenticeship."
Information on Robert Harger may be found at
With thanks to Robin Harger for sharing this Indenture document